Reading 9. Subin Jung

 1. Summary

The Free Culture Movement is a social movement that promotes freedom to freely distribute and modify other people's creations. This is done through the Internet and other forms of media. The Free Culture Movement opposes excessive copyright law. Some people in the movement argue that these laws undermine creativity. They call these systems the "authorization culture."
The free culture movement is consistent with the value of pursuing free exchange of ideas and with the free open source software movement. And organizations such as Creative Commons and Free Culture Students are promoting the movement. The Free Culture Movement is also being criticized by copyright advocates. Some people argue that free cultural ideas have a negative impact on the culture and arts industry.

2. Interesting/Useful Points
The free culture movement began as a result of opposition to excessive copyright restrictions. The movement also claims that copyright laws undermine creativity and cultural production. I think this movement has a useful aspect in copyright-related areas in that it promotes creativity and cultural development while presenting a critical view of the existing copyright system.

3. Discussion
The Free Culture Movement promotes open content and remix culture. This means the culture of creating new creations through the free sharing and transformation of creation. These concepts can promote the interaction and cooperation of creations and promote the diversity of art and culture. However, what are the negative situations in which the free cultural movement can be excluded while promoting this diversity of art and culture? And what precautions should we take to get out of that negative situation?


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