Reading 14: ZENG WANTING

 1)Summarize of metirals

Wikipedia has millions of editors, the population is larger than many counties. If we know about wikipedia cultures, we can know a new, complex, virtual culture can arise within barely a decade and it will improve our skills at editng wikipedia, reducing tensions and imrovinh ours familiarity with the project. When we editing the article of the wikipedia, we are contacting with other people we are not working alone. Wikipedia is a community, people work together and have communications with others. Wikipedia culture is significant enough th have impact on th real world. Wikipedia values related to th efree culture movement have influrenced legislation in the USA and elsewhere. Overall, Wikipedia's vibrant culture and the dedication of its community have played a significant role in creating a vast and reliable knowledge resource available to people worldwide.

2)Something interseting I learned

The wikipeidia uesrs are called as wikipedian by their language. They have their own language such as wikify, wikiholiday. They are not only communicate online, they also meet in real life during meetups. Small regional meetups can invovle just a few editors. Largest meetups are international, have a conference format and attart thousands.

3) Discussion

How does Wikipedia's editorial culture promote knowledge sharing and collaboration, and how can it get more people involved?


  1. Wikipedia has established rich collaboration and discussion mechanisms so that editors can communicate and negotiate on content, structure, and editorial decisions. Editors can communicate through discussion pages, editorial summaries, and user chat pages to jointly decide how to improve and improve articles.


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