Reading12 - 진심이 CHEN XINYI
1. Summary
If we want to write a comprehensive Wikipedia article, we have to gather comprehensive information. I think it's important to make sure you've gathered comprehensive information on the topic before you start writing. Use reliable sources such as academic publications, authoritative websites, books, and expert opinions to obtain accurate and credible information. Try to cover all aspects of the topic, including history, definition, background, application, related events, etc. It is also necessary to divide the article into appropriate paragraphs and sections so that the reader can understand and navigate clearly. Use subheadings, table of contents, and paragraphs to organize information.
2. Interesting point
Wikipedia emphasizes neutrality and objectivity. When writing articles, we should try to avoid personal bias and emotional overtones to ensure that the article is fair and objective. Write based on facts and authoritative sources, and respect different perspectives and positions. So we can try to present multiple points of view and different academic positions when writing Wikipedia articles. This helps the reader to gain a full picture and understand the existence of controversies or different interpretations. Use authoritative and reliable sources to support a variety of opinions and ensure that a variety of opinions are presented fairly, so that bias or bias can be avoided.
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