
Wikipedia is an online encyclopedia written and edited by volunteers, and its articles develop through an open and collaborative process. Once the page is created, anyone can edit and write article content. Users have the option to add, modify and delete paragraphs, sentences and words of the article to improve the accuracy and clarity of the article. In addition, Wikipedia emphasizes the principles of accuracy and proven sources. Editors are encouraged to cite reliable sources and references in their articles to support the information presented.

In short, Wikipedia is an open collaborative platform, so the development of articles is a dynamic process. The content and quality of articles will change and improve over time and with the efforts of editors. Every user can participate in the development of Wikipedia, helping to improve and enrich the content of articles.

 Interesting point

The featured articles are what we believe to be the best articles in Wikipedia. Before promotion to featured status, articles are reviewed at Wikipedia:Featured article candidates for compelling prose, accuracy, neutrality, and completeness, according to our featured article criteria. Wikipedians tend to be proud of featured articles to which they have contributed.


How can editors sharply find new topics suitable for exploration in the process of using Wikipedia?


  1. I think it can be done by reading a lot of the content of articles in Wikipedia. And pay attention to hot topics, or write content that interests you. In this way, it is better to discover new topics that you want to create.


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