Reading9 - 진심이 CHEN XINYI


1. Summary 

Through this article, I argue that the free culture movement promotes the free flow of knowledge, information and culture under the principle of pursuing openness, freedom and sharing. It promotes creativity and innovation and emphasizes the value of sharing and cooperation, while advocating a balanced and moderate reflection on the IP system. Such movements have a positive impact on promoting social progress and cultural diversity, but they also require weighing and properly addressing the relevant interests and legal framework.

2. Interesting point

As for the free culture movement, I think it has the following characteristics: 1. Openness and freedom: The Free Culture movement advocates that knowledge and culture should be open, free, and widely accessible. It encourages people to share and disseminate information, enabling the unrestricted flow of knowledge, which it believes promotes creativity, innovation and social development.

2.Creative Commons: The free culture movement promotes the use of open licenses (such as Creative Commons licenses) to protect works and allow others to use, modify, and redistribute them freely. This way of sharing and cooperating can facilitate the development of cooperative creation and collective intelligence.

3.Open Technology Standards: The Free Culture movement advocates the use of open technology standards and open source software to promote technology interoperability, sustainability, and sharing. In this way, reliance on proprietary technology can be reduced and technology diffusion and innovation can be promoted.

4.Cultural diversity and inclusion: The Free Culture movement values cultural diversity and inclusion and believes that everyone should be able to express their cultural identity and receive respect and support for a variety of cultural expressions.

3. Discussion

The free culture movement has criticized the excessive restrictions of intellectual property laws, arguing that these restrictions may hinder creation, innovation, and cultural development. It advocates a sound intellectual property policy. Do you think that will happen?


  1. It is thought that thorough preparation is necessary for free culture to actually occur. Academic fields of sources that can be used freely without considering copyright and laws to prevent commercial use should be prepared. Yeah, it's gonna be hard to realize right now.


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