
The list of known historical hoaxes created on Wikipedia does not apply to hoaxes that are compelling in their own right and are not described as fact. The aim is to document hoaxes on Wikipedia to improve our understanding of them and our ability to detect them. The purpose of a hoax is defined as a clear and deliberate attempt to present false information as fact in a deceptive manner. Defamation and vandalism are not considered pranks. If a prank goes undetected for more than a month since it was created, it is considered sufficient to be included in this list. While the majority of scams on Wikipedia are short-lived (89% of scams discovered are flagged within an hour of creation, and only 1% of scams last more than a year), those that make it past the initial screening are more likely to continue to "survive" and remain on Wikipedia longer (if a scam survives beyond the first day, It has an 18% chance of lasting a year or more).


2Something interested

This list is not complete because many hoaxes remain undiscovered. And compared to legitimate articles, successful hoaxes typically received less traffic per day, had a longer median article length (134 words versus 71 words), and contained fewer links to other Wikipedia articles given their article length.



Will there ever be a more effective way for Wikipedia to find hoaxes and prevent them from passing scam?


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