Reading8-Lee Eunsuk


In Wikipedia, fabrication is considered sufficiently remarkable if it is avoided for more than a month or discussed in a reliable source.Wikipedia's list is incomplete because many tricks remain missing in the media.

Academic research has investigated the effects and characteristics of Wikipedia fabrication and proposed an automated method to detect it. The researchers found that automated classification systems were better at identifying frauds on Wikipedia than humans.

One way to identify fake articles is to investigate the structure and content of the article, references to other Wikipedia articles, and the function of the editor who created the page.

2.Interesting point
It was surprising that there were so many fake articles on the list, but some of them had not been found yet. It was also strange that there was a standard for judging fake articles.

How can the error be resolved if we categorize fake articles in an automated way?


  1. Automated categorization of fake articles on Wikipedia could potentially help in identifying and removing them more efficiently. However, it is important to consider the limitations of automated systems and the need for human oversight to avoid errors and biases.


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