Reading3: XU RUOCI


  The core of Wikipedia's collaboration is the "neutral point of view" and integrity, and these two cores complement each other. An understanding of neutrality and integrity can serve as a counterpoint to Wikipedia's irony, also known as its Zeroeth rule: while it may work well in practice, it does not work in theory.

  But such a collaborative culture can also lead to some controversy. So the author's use of the term collaborative culture here refers to the set of assumptions, values, meanings, and actions associated with working together within a community. Media scholar Jenkins defines a participatory culture as one that has a low barrier to participation, supports creativity and sharing, and some form of mentoring or socialization, where members believe their contributions matter and they "feel some degree of social connection to each other. Based on these criteria, Wikipedia qualifies.

  Wikipedia is a relatively new form of collaboration: online, asynchronous, and possibly anonymous, incremental, and cumulative. In the case of Wikipedia, such a collaborative culture requires its participants to adopt the two states mentioned above: a position of having a neutral view on intellectual issues, and a sincere attitude toward other contributors.

2.Interesting point

  The article interprets the culture of collaboration in Wikipedia to introduce the reader to a very novel form of collaboration that exists in Wikipedia. People can form such collaborations in all corners of the planet, like a giant corporation connected by a network.


  The article mentions civility and courtesy as both the baseline for building a culture of integrity and as the last line of defense against escalation. Despite the expectation to act in good faith, to "assume goodwill," to think differently, to see the humanity of others, to love and respect one another, and even if all of that fails, Wikipedians should remain civil and respectful of one another. So what should be the punishment if someone breaks or violates the baseline of civility? And in what way will Wikipedia avoid such a situation?


  1. Since Wiki is available to anyone, I think sanctions should be imposed if an environment is created that does not respect other users. But I think Wikipedia that I've experienced so far (though not long) has more meaning of sharing information than a place of discussion between people.


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