1) Summarize of metirals

 HG Wells argued that the "World Encyclopedia" should not only be a repository of information, but also an institution of "adjustment and adjudication", “A clearing house of misunderstandings." Wikipedia itself is of course subject to errors, some imported from the world it records, some unique to itself. In addition, political and racial differences are often reflected in Wikipedia, but there are also two opposing philosophies on Wikipedia: inclusivism and deletionism.

 Wikipedia defines consensus as "general agreement" with "no active opposition to a proposed course of action." In communities with egalitarian values and a culture of integrity, consensus certainly seems to be an appropriate way to make decisions. Moreover, this form of decision making has been at the heart of online collaboration since the dawn of the Internet. This makes Wikipedia a classic example of community decision-making in today's environment: its openness -- its lack of subject matter and time frame.


2)Something interesting I learned

When discussions are held in order to reach consensus on Wikipedia, even if the discussion is not completed, the user needs to come to an appropriate conclusion. Wikipedia uses polls in order to reach its conclusions, but this method is considered by some to be an impediment to consensus.



 Maybe when we are editing Wikipedia, we will encounter some controversial opinions. How should we choose our side in this case?


  1. First of all, avoid using insulting sentences, don't make personal attacks on others, and then remember that we are here to discuss, not to argue, to argue, and not to be hostile. If you quote some information when discussing the problem, it would be better to indicate the source. Don't join cliques and form cliques when discussing. And don't take it for granted that you are the embodiment of the right, that your position is neutral. If we can't refute the other party's point of view and arguments, then you should generously admit that your point of view is wrong, and you should be happy. If your point of view prevails in the discussion, please take a hard look at whether there is merit in the other side's point of view.


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