Reading 4: XU RUOCI


Wikipedia's motto is: "Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit." This reflects its claim of openness. If one thinks of Wikipedia as a community. Members of the Wikipedia community share common practices and norms; as we have seen, they share a culture of collaboration.This community has the five characteristics of open content, transparency, integrity, non-discrimination, and non-interference. Openness in this context is described as a type of collaboration that is accessible and flexible. Wikipedia is an example of an open content community . This conceptualisation needs to provide the core values of open content, as well as the implications of bifurcation. However, it may be difficult to balance related values such as transparency, integrity and non-discrimination with other issues such as freedom of expression, the safety of people and the project itself.


2Interesting point

The article keeps using community as a metaphor for Wikipedia. And there are many different communities that exist in the online community nowadays, which have communication and sharing as their main content. Obviously, Wikipedia's position as an encyclopedia of knowledge is completely different from other communities. Although different, Wikipedia is open to the conditions of a content community. Such a definition of 'community' is very interesting.



Considering the freedom of expression, it will be difficult for the community to limit the appearance of some not-so-good speech. But such speech might lead to some arguments and provocations. So how should the community be managed, but without infringing on freedom of expression?


  1. It may vary depending on individual values, but in my case, there are limitations in which freedom of expression. If this violates someone's rights when someone claims freedom of expression and there is a controversial story, such as honor. This should be restricted and I think it is a way to keep the community healthy.

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  3. To prevent violations of freedom of expression, the Community is committed to keeping its censorship policies and procedures transparent and providing users with the opportunity to appeal content decisions or raise concerns about censorship practices.This helps ensure that the Community remains accountable to its members and responsive to their needs and concerns.


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