Extra credit:Advantages and disadvantages of using Wikipedia—CAI XIAOHUA
Advantages of using Wikipedia: Broader information: Wikipedia has almost every type of information you need to find. Wiki pages contain information on different topics Ease of use: it is easy to find the information you are looking for in a few minutes. You can also easily learn about new things you've never heard of before. User collaboration: Users in different parts of the world can open the same document at the same time, making collaboration on shared data easier. Editing by everyone: Anyone registered with Wikipedia can edit information published on a Wikipedia page. Steps must be taken to ensure that only logged-in people can edit documents and have access. Information Control: Every edit or update of wiki information is recorded in the wiki software. If the wrong information is edited, the software can easily revert the changes to the previous version. Flexible: The program has no predetermined structure and can be used for a variety of applications. Instant content: Inform...